Monday 30 September 2019

Important update: Changes to AdMob policies have now launched

Google AdMob
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Policy Update
Important AdMob policy update has launched
Dear AdMob Publisher,
In August, we notified current publishers about the upcoming changes to Google's publisher policies through email and our change log. Effective today, those policy changes have launched across our publisher products (AdSense, AdMob, and Ad Manager). There's no action for you to take right now, other than to review this email, the AdMob Help Center, and the AdMob Policy Center to ensure your content remains in compliance.
What's changed:
As of today, we've simplified the way our publisher content policies are presented with a clear breakdown of the types of content where advertising is not allowed or will be restricted:
Google Publisher Policies, which outline the types of content that are not allowed to show ads through any of our publisher products.
Google Publisher Restrictions, which outline the types of content that will receive limited monetization.
What it means for you as an AdMob publisher:
Monetizing content that falls under the Google Publisher Restrictions is no longer a policy violation; instead, we will restrict advertising on that content as appropriate, based on the preferences of each advertising product and/or advertisers' individual preferences. In some cases this will mean that no advertising sources are bidding on your inventory and no ads will appear on this content.
As a result, while you may choose to monetize content covered by the Google Publisher Restrictions, you will likely receive less advertising on this restricted content than you would receive on other, nonrestricted content. It's also important to note that these AdMob policies and restrictions may differ from the policies of the app store you will be distributing your app through. You will need to continue to adhere to those policies to ensure your app is not rejected or removed from that app store.
Content that falls under the Google Publisher Policies is not allowed to be monetized and you should not place ads against that content. Attempting to monetize policy-violating content may result in your account(s) being suspended or terminated.
As before, the AdMob Policy Center gives detailed information about issues that may restrict ads from appearing on your apps, as well as how to resolve issues with ad serving and request reviews.
Please note that these policies and restrictions apply in addition to any other policies governing your use of Google publisher products.
What you need to do:
The AdMob Help Center and Policy Center have been updated with the full breakdown of policies and restrictions. Please review these to better understand the changes that were made, and to ensure your content remains in compliance.
Please note that going forward, Google will be announcing updates to our policies and restrictions for AdMob on this change log. Publishers are required to keep abreast of changes to policies and be in compliance with them at all times.
Yours sincerely,
The Google AdMob Team
You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your AdMob account.

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